Reading List (2021 - 07)



  1. 选一个样板

  2. 写代码,而不是调代码

  3. 聪明的调试

Rust Language Cheat Sheet

这个网址介绍了 Rust 中基础类型,Trait,Fn 等组件的内存结构,值得了解一下。

All About Trait Objects

互联网上介绍 Trait Object 的文章太多了,这篇是最清晰的,读三篇! 其义自见。

The stack

A stack is nothing more than a piece of contiguous memory.

This is important to know. A computer only has memory, it doesn’t have a special “stack” memory and a “heap” memory, it’s all part of the same memory.

The difference is how this memory is accessed and used. The stack support simple push/pop instructions on a contiguous part of memory, that’s what makes it fast to use. The heap memory is allocated by a memory allocator on demand and can be scattered around in different locations.

Rust closures: How a closure can implement more than one trait

NFTs Weren’t Supposed to End Like This

How to Work Hard

Higher-Order Functions in Rust

How to implement worker pools in Rust

  1. For compute intensive jobs, use rayon crate.

  2. For I/O intensive jobs, use Stream async tools

What is EIP-1559? How Will It Change Ethereum?

EIP-1559 伦敦升级的一些解释。


Code Repo

  1. anyshortcut

  2. A simple nft pallet in substrate ecosystem


  1. sub-flood

    A tool which can throw lots of transactions to the substrate node, used in stress testing.

  2. marp

    The great experience to create slide deck with Markdown